2707, 2015
Earthquake Relief Update
We want to thank you all of you who have supported the Tony McClean Nepal Trust in our Earthquake relief appeal and keep you and others informed about what we’re doing. Nepal has now faded [...]
2707, 2015
Work continues in getting shelters to the needy
The pictures show SAHODAR members organizing sheets of tin into household bundles. There are 3 different lengths of sheet and the number of sheets given per house differs according to if they receive just tin or [...]
2505, 2015
Owairoa Primary Donation to Nepal
A fantastic donation was received from Owairoa Primary Year 6 students Heidi Hislop and Luke Cullingworth. What a great school with a big heart for helping others. Their money will be genuinely appreciated as SAHODAR [...]
2005, 2015
Eastern Courier: Tony McClean Trust helps earthquake-ravaged Nepal
Click here to view a recent story featured by the Eastern Courier on Stuff.co.nz