The pictures show SAHODAR members organizing sheets of tin into household bundles. There are 3 different lengths of sheet and the number of sheets given per house differs according to if they receive just tin or enough for a full shelter (tin, iron and wire).
The weather is 35 – 37 degrees so it is really hot work and even under the tin shelter the workers find it hard to get breath of cooler air!
Local Ward reps in conjunction with SAHODAR’s detailed survey of Dharmilikuwa allocate either a bundle of tin or a complete shelter depending on the state of their living conditions. Widows, disabled, the aged and poor are the priorities for distribution and of course if in fact their house is unlivable. Image shows a local handing over his coupon to receive his allocated bundle.
A reminder these are only temporary shelters, all resources will be re-used for final housing rebuilds.